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quarta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2014

A New Design for Education

Publicado em 28/01/2013
Farmington Area Public Schools and Spring Lake Park Schools are engaged in innovative collaboration with transformative ends in mind. As an approved Innovation Zones Pilot Project, this collaboration will prove a disruptive innovation with ripple effects into other districts in Minnesota. As the only metro area districts in Minnesota with a full one-to-one iPad integration for all K-12 students, these two districts are well poised to brave a new path into the potentialities of a 21st century education.

Illustration and Editing by Anthony Weeks

Anthony Weeks is a documentary filmmaker, illustrator, and writer based in San Francisco, CA.

Anthony has illustrated a number of books, including the 2012 release by social media guru Howard Rheingold entitled Net Smart, published by MIT Press. In 2013, Anthony will be working with the Malaysian Prime Minister's office to author and illustrate a collection of books and materials about the need for creativity and innovation in education.
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